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Neutering & Spaying

Neutering and spaying have significant preventative health benefits and reduce the chances of unexpected litters. Neutering (male castration) and spaying (female sterilisation) are common procedures that are usually performed on kittens as female cats reach maturity while still very young. Preventing them from getting pregnant can save them from having kittens while still so young, they have this before turning 4 months old, which is when they reach maturity. This is one of the benefits of cat neutering but there are plenty more too!

What’s the Process Like?

The operation is a fairly quick and simple process. The cat or kitten will go under anaesthetic and can be returned home the same day. They may require some pain relief post-surgery, but they’ll be up and active again in no time. Neutering and spaying can cause a change in the behaviour of your cat, which is normal and expected at first, but they’ll return to their normal selves.

The Benefits of Neutering Your Cat

Prevents Disease

Female cats that are spayed or neutered, will be prevented from contracting certain diseases and cancers. There’s a reduced risk of cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and cancerous tumours as their hormone levels are reduced post-surgery. With your cats' reduced hormone levels, they’ll be less territorial over potential mates and will be less likely to contract certain diseases from other cats.

Fighting Less

Another one of the benefits of cat neutering is the reduced aggression seen in male cats. Without hormone-driven behaviours, a neutered cat has reduced aggressive instincts. Male cats will be less territorial and get on better if there are multiple under one roof.


During mating season, cats will roam around to find the best mate and will attempt to escape their homes in order to do so. With cats escaping there’s the added risk of injury such as crossing roads, so the benefits of cat neutering will apply here too. Your cat will be happy staying in more often and won’t feel compelled to go roaming.

Cleaner Home

Un-neutered male cats urinate on vertical services, spraying to mark their territory. Female cats, if also un-neutered pass bodily fluids when they go into season to alert males they’re fertile. By eliminating these problems, your home will be cleaner.

Reduced Number of Kittens

Unless you want a litter of kittens and your cat can nurture them, then spaying your cat is a good idea. With a pregnant cat, comes more owner responsibility and care. This is perhaps the number one benefit of cat neutering. You do not need to let your cat get pregnant before spaying her, there are no added health benefits to this.

Neutering Service at Woodward

At Woodward Veterinary Centre, our vets are all experienced in performing neutering procedures and taking great care of your cats during and after treatment. We are compassionate and understanding towards your pet and any of your anxieties, but all is in good hands with us. Your vet will advise you on the after-care necessary for your cat and instil confidence that they’re there to answer any questions before or after the surgery.

Contact Us

For more information on the benefits of cat neutering or the lead-up to your cat's appointment, contact the practice today. To book an appointment click here. 

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