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Vaccinations are much more than just a quick jab – they offer your kitten or cat a comprehensive physical health check and protection against diseases that can be debilitating or may even prove fatal.

Here at Woodward Veterinary Practice in Ashby, we perform routine vaccination appointments for all cats throughout their lives, including house cats. Our specialist vets carry out the procedures effectively to ensure little distress for your pet and should be a routine part of the care of every cat year on year.


When to get your cat vaccinated

We recommend that vaccinations are started whilst kittens are young as they only have a small amount of protection from their mothers, which fades away at a young age.

We routinely start cat vaccinations from 9 weeks of age, with the second injection 3-4 weeks later to complete the course.

Kittens are then fully protected 10-14 days later and are able to venture outside after this time.

It is very important to complete the course otherwise maximum protection against diseases will not be achieved.

We also encourage that kittens are neutered and microchipped BEFORE being allowed outside, as they tend to go on adventures whilst exploring their new environments which helps to ensure that we cut down on lost pets, and unwanted litters.

Book a vaccination appointment

cat vaccinations 


Protect your cat from deadly diseases

Choosing Woodward for cat vaccinations in Ashby protects your cat against:

  • Cat flu (Feline Herpesvirus & Feline Calicivirus)
  • Enteritis (Feline Panleucopaenia Virus)
  • Feline Leukaemia Virus
  • Feline Chlamydia

We recommend that all cats are vaccinated, even indoor cats as they are still susceptible to illness and disease.

*A £25 out-of-hour voucher is now being issued whenever a pet comes for an annual vaccination. A voucher is issued for each pet and is valid for 12 months.*

Spread the cost of essential Healthcare for your cat with Woodward’s Pet Health for Life Plan.

Our Pet Health for Life Plan offers the best value way to vaccinate your pet to ensure they have the preventative health protection they need over the course of their lifetime. Being a member allows you the opportunity to spread the cost over 12 months whilst also receiving discounts on other services at Woodward Veterinary Practice.