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Searching for 'rabbit neutering near me'? At Woodward Veterinary Practice, our friendly veterinary professionals have your rabbits covered. Rabbits are usually neutered around four months of age. Castration involves removing the testes of a male rabbit, and spaying is the removal of the uterus and ovaries of a female. It is worth noting that sperm can reside in the genital tract for up to six weeks, so it’s best to keep your rabbit away from un-neutered females during this time. Rabbits are extremely social creatures; neutering helps pair or bond rabbits, making them much happier.

Call us on 01530 412035

Neutering your rabbitRabbit Neutering:

  • Prevents unwanted pregnancies and womb infections
  • Can help prevent tumours and breast cancer
  • Can also help prevent testicular cancer and prostate disease
  • Assists in preventing roaming and aggressive behaviour

Call us on 01530 412035

Should I let my rabbit have one litter before spaying her?

This happens to be a common question, and there are no known health benefits to letting your rabbit have a litter; this is also the same for dogs and cats.

General Anaesthesia for Rabbit Neutering

Your pet requires a general anaesthetic for neutering; here at Woodward, we have measures in place to ensure their safety during the procedure. A dedicated Registered Veterinary Nurse (RVN) will monitor your pet throughout their surgery and recovery. Although rabbits are deemed to be a ‘high risk’ under anaesthesia, the health benefits alone far outweigh the risks; over the years, rabbit anaesthesia has become much safer. 

Risk levels of anaesthesia increase with a pet’s age, certain breeds and if your pet has any underlying health conditions. Your pet will receive premedication to relax them and will also receive two types of pain relief.  Rest assured the Woodward's team will be with your pet every step of the way.

Your pet will stay the day with us

On admission, we will discuss the procedure and go through the consent form. Please note we must gain a signature from the registered owner (over 18) or authorised agent on the consent form. Your dog, cat or rabbit will be admitted as a ‘day patient’, and they will be discharged later that day once our team are happy with how your pet has recovered. During your pet’s discharge appointment, the team will go through everything you need to know about caring for your pet after their surgery and their pain relief medication. We are always at the end of the telephone for you and your pet, so please contact us if you have any further questions once you have your pet settled back at home.

Find your local Woodward Vets for rabbit neutering

Please bring your rabbit in a secure box or basket with a blanket that smells of home; we advise rabbits are brought along with their companions to reduce the stress of separation between a bonded pair. Bringing your rabbit's lunch is also preferable. We require rabbits to eat relatively quickly after a general anaesthetic; having their favourite foods on hand speeds up their recovery time so we can have your rabbit back home with you as soon as possible. Book in today for 'rabbit neutering near me'.

Further reading: