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Fleas and worms are a common problem for dogs in Leicester, the UK and multiple parts of the world, so it's important to know more about them as a responsible dog owner. These parasites can cause a number of health problems, including skin irritation, anaemia, and even death. It is important to protect your dog from fleas and worms by using regular treatment. Find out more and see how Woodward Veterinary Practice can help.

Dog Fleas - What are they? And what do I look for?

If your dog has fleas, you may be able to notice them. They’re tiny, dark brown or black-looking insects that can be found not just in Leicester, but across the UK. Fleas are active all throughout the year, meaning summer or winter – your pet could be affected. It's important to get flea treatment in Leicester for your dog. Dogs tend to get flea infestations from their environment, and from other animals if they’re in contact with them. They’re incredible jumpers, so even from the grass nearby or the neighbour’s dog they just wanted to sniff, they can jump right over to your dog and start the infestation.


Dog with flea treatment in Leicester

Your dog doesn’t have to suffer when it comes to fleas. Whilst they tend to make dogs uncomfortable, they can cause more complicated problems too. If the infestation is left too long and becomes severe, problems such as anaemia from severe blood loss can cause or exacerbate existing health conditions. Fleas can feed off a variety of hosts, including you and your family. As there are numerous flea treatments available on the market, coming to Woodward Vets for professional advice and consulting on your options is your safest move. If you’re not sure whether you need spot-on flea treatment, injections or maybe even a tablet, we’re here to help you and your dog.

Click here to book and appointment online now!


Worm Treatment for Dogs in Leicester

Dogs can be exposed to an absolute variety of different worms in and around the Leicester region. Tapeworm, lungworm, and more. Considering things such as tapeworms travel via fleas, the risk could be doubled up if you’re not treating your furry friend(s)!

Being a responsible dog owner is important, as every species out there is at risk for worms. Worms are usually transmitted through faeces, and are spread via foxes, snails, and more. And that means your dog might have come across many of the different parasitic eggs scattered in Leicester.

Dogs are recommended to be treated for worms yearly, and that’s where Woodward Vets come in. Our specialists will help you find the best product for your dog based on numerous factors such as weight, breed, and lifestyle. Make sure to protect your dog with flea and worm treatments for dogs in Leicester with us.

Need advice? Contact our specialists today!

Ticks in Leicester Dogs - How to Protect Your Pet

Another common parasite that can affect your dog in Leicester and across the UK are ticks. Woodward Vets are here to help you assess the risks associated with tick bites, and how to prevent them in the future! As ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease for example, these pests can be a serious health problem for your pet. Flea and worm treatment in Leicester and other preventative measures to protect your dog are paramount.

Labrador with dog flea and worm treatment in Leicester


Here’s some things you can do to prevent your pet from ticks:

  • Preventative treatment for ticks. There are various products available to prevent ticks, from spot on treatments and collars, to oral medications. As these kill ticks before they even have the chance to bite, they’re highly effective.
  • Keep your garden tidy. Ticks love tall grass and vegetation, meaning your garden needs to be well maintained if your pet loves to pop outside! Keep your garden well maintained and you’re doing both your fuzzy friend and yourself a favour.
  • Check regularly for tick or tick bites. When you spend time outside with your dog, check thoroughly for any signs of ticks. These can commonly be found around the head, neck, ears and paws. If you do end up finding any tick(s), carefully use a pair of tweezers to remove it. Keep an eye out and remove the entire tick. Avoid crushing it where possible.
  • Avoid bushy, wooded areas. As these areas are high-risk for an increased tick population, avoiding them entirely can help you to avoid tick bites or infestation too!
  • Talk to us or your local vet. Woodward Veterinary Practice can help you and guide you on the best preventative products and methods for ticks, and offer recommendations based on your pets individual needs.


Protect your Dog! Speak to Woodward.