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Rabbit dental Treatment

Unlike domestic dogs and cats, a rabbit's teeth never stop growing and can grow nearly 2mm a week. Wild rabbits adapt for this growth by chewing daily on coarse grass and other vegetation that helps to wear down the crowns of their teeth. Pet rabbits are not typically offered access to the same type of vegetation and often consume dry pellets as the bulk of their diet.

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Advice on grooming your cat or dog at home

Grooming is an important part of pet welfare and wellbeing and should be carried out regularly.

Spending time grooming your dog or cat can benefit your own mental health and improve your relationship with them. It is a good idea to start getting your pets used to grooming from an early age. 

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Nutritional advice for dogs and cats

When we think about weight management in pets it can be easy to focus on their exercise routine and how active they might, or might not, be. However, getting them out for their daily walk is only part of it, and in fact what they eat from one day to the next plays an equally important role.

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Starting your puppy off right!

If you've recently got a new puppy, you may be wondering how to give them the best start to life. According to Dogs Trust, the first four months of a puppy's life are crucial. It is when they learn what to make of all the things they experience in the world.

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Pet passports no longer valid from 1 January 2021

You can no longer use a pet passport issued in Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) for travel to an EU country or Northern Ireland. You can still use a pet passport issued in an EU country or Northern Ireland.

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